Saturday, February 27, 2010


So I never never write on here. I started a web site not that long ago for a podcast and had been blogging there. This is more of something personal so I thought that I'd write it here. I guess I never really feel better until I write out my feelings somewhere. I can express them to Cody all I want but he's a dude. He doesn't really care lol I don't blame him though. It's all about girls and how catty they are. I think today I am done with most my childhood friends. This doesn't include you Megan, Angie and Stacee. I don't think the rest of them are even smart enough to find my blogspot let alone know what it is.

I am sick of being used by them. Maybe I should name names but I won't. You can live your pathetic lives and I'll be okay with it. I am seriously about ready to just delete you out of my life. I haven't quite decided that yet. You guys are dumb and immature and deserve all the shit that has happened to you and all of the shit that comes your way. The only reason why you even have a full time job is because of ME! You know it and the fucking thanks I get is nothing. When I showed you how to use crap on the internet I don't even think you said thanks once. I don't need a gift or a dinner or anything as a gift. But a fucking thank you!!! Come on. Don't you think that's common courtesy. You still don't take advice when you clearly need it. So I don't care. Go ruin your life. Like I said before, you deserve it. So I am done with you. You've changed for the worse.

And as for the other friend. Shame on you for taking advantage of a person who you KNOW is very susceptible to peer pressure. You're going to ruin her and you know it. Don't drag other people down with you. You're freaking 26 turning 27 this year and you don't have your life in order so you have to leech off of other people. That's why your family doesn't like you. Because they see your bullshit and call you out on it. So you get pissed off and leech from one person to another. That's also why you have never had a meaningful relationship in your life. Cause you're an idiot and people can spot it a mile away. You move from boyfriend to boyfriend and they keep getting younger in age because the older ones aren't as dumb.

Like I said, I'm done with you both. Have a nice life together. You deserve each other.

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